Repo Added
10757 of 15025 relevant lines covered (71.59%)
0.81 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
8884 | add-uts | Add missing unit tests Added UTs for hostagent/fabricvlanpools.go, hostagent/ipam.go. Added UT for the case where the static IP of service is updated and the status conditions are not changed. | Pull #1295 | travis-pro |
71.59 |
8885 | add-uts | Merge 593ccad21 into 08a02e201 | Pull #1295 | travis-pro |
71.32 |
8882 | add-uts | Add missing unit tests Added UTs for hostagent/fabricvlanpools.go, hostagent/ipam.go. Added UT for the case where the static IP of service is updated and the status conditions are not changed. | Pull #1295 | travis-pro |
71.6 |
8883 | add-uts | Merge 790992b87 into 08a02e201 | Pull #1295 | travis-pro |
71.19 |
8813 | add-uts | Temp commit | push | travis-pro |
71.37 |