Run time
5608 of 7171 branches covered (78.2%)
785 of 842 new or added lines in 64 files covered. (93.23%)
4 existing lines in 4 files now uncovered.19970 of 22128 relevant lines covered (90.25%)
11.43 hits per line
Lines | Coverage | ∆ | File |
1 |
56.34 |
0.0% | rdflib/extras/external_graph_libs.py |
1 |
96.72 |
0.01% | rdflib/extras/infixowl.py |
1 |
93.38 |
0.05% | rdflib/plugin.py |
1 |
94.74 |
-1.01% | rdflib/plugins/sparql/results/tsvresults.py |
1 |
27.45 |
-1.4% | rdflib/tools/rdfs2dot.py |
3 |
85.4 |
0.15% | rdflib/plugins/parsers/notation3.py |
4 |
93.61 |
-0.65% | rdflib/plugins/serializers/jsonld.py |
4 |
83.45 |
-1.95% | rdflib/store.py |
4 |
87.48 |
-0.05% | rdflib/term.py |
4 |
27.27 |
0.0% | rdflib/tools/rdf2dot.py |
5 |
84.91 |
-7.59% | rdflib/plugins/sparql/results/rdfresults.py |
7 |
76.27 |
-0.55% | rdflib/plugins/stores/sparqlstore.py |
10 |
84.14 |
0.13% | rdflib/graph.py |
11 |
8.86 |
0.0% | rdflib/void.py |
Lines | Coverage | ∆ | File |
1 |
94.64 |
0.0% | rdflib/paths.py |
1 |
97.46 |
0.01% | rdflib/plugins/shared/jsonld/context.py |
1 |
84.91 |
-7.59% | rdflib/plugins/sparql/results/rdfresults.py |
1 |
84.14 |
0.13% | rdflib/graph.py |
ID | Job ID | Ran | Files | Coverage | |
1 | windows-latest-3.12 - 11657952983.1 | 122 |
87.54 |
GitHub Action Run | |
2 | macos-latest-3.10 - 11657952983.2 | 122 |
87.53 |
GitHub Action Run | |
3 | macos-latest-3.11 - 11657952983.3 | 122 |
87.55 |
GitHub Action Run | |
4 | ubuntu-latest-3.12 - 11657952983.4 | 122 |
87.54 |
GitHub Action Run | |
5 | macos-latest-3.12 - 11657952983.5 | 122 |
87.53 |
GitHub Action Run | |
6 | windows-latest-3.9 - 11657952983.6 | 122 |
87.52 |
GitHub Action Run | |
7 | ubuntu-latest-3.9-min - 11657952983.7 | 122 |
89.69 |
GitHub Action Run | |
8 | ubuntu-latest-3.10 - 11657952983.8 | 122 |
87.54 |
GitHub Action Run | |
9 | macos-latest-3.9 - 11657952983.9 | 122 |
87.52 |
GitHub Action Run | |
10 | windows-latest-3.11 - 11657952983.10 | 122 |
87.55 |
GitHub Action Run | |
11 | ubuntu-latest-3.11 - 11657952983.11 | 122 |
88.78 |
GitHub Action Run | |
12 | ubuntu-latest-3.9 - 11657952983.12 | 122 |
89.88 |
GitHub Action Run | |
13 | windows-latest-3.10 - 11657952983.13 | 122 |
87.54 |
GitHub Action Run |
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line | Branch Hits | Branch Misses |