Repo Added
1193 of 1223 branches covered (97.55%)
780 of 783 relevant lines covered (99.62%)
13228.86 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line | Branch Hits | Branch Misses |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
12260117181 | patch-1 | Merge d2904b91a into 5c9625a56 | Pull #4602 | github |
99.62 |
11379863499 | patch-1 | Merge 52c6a63d3 into f6416e88e | Pull #4534 | github |
99.49 |
10861287479 | patch-1 | Merge bac87fa5f into 8d0ee4946 | Pull #4493 | github |
99.49 |
10852852219 | patch-1 | Merge 47e3c34bc into df67ca0d8 | Pull #4494 | github |
99.49 |
10848876113 | patch-1 | Merge ab2ff9bc7 into df67ca0d8 | Pull #4493 | github |
99.49 |
10263277283 | patch-1 | Merge 8b046de21 into ab743a933 | Pull #4471 | github |
99.49 |
10263277273 | patch-1 | Merge 8b046de21 into ab743a933 | Pull #4471 | github |
99.49 |
10178664963 | patch-1 | Merge 3d4e7b0ea into 93515884b | Pull #4465 | github |
99.49 |
9816083843 | patch-1 | Merge 2d439ac20 into 82ab55570 | Pull #4432 | github |
99.61 |
7850573983 | patch-1 | Merge 24e47b40e into 72cbd2dd9 | Pull #4276 | github |
99.47 |