Repo Added
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1 of 3 new or added lines in 1 file covered. (33.33%)
94 of 99 relevant lines covered (94.95%)
16.84 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line |
94.95 | lib/Data/ | 402 + 2 | 99 + 3 | 94 + 1 | 5 + 2 | 17.0 + 1.0 |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
12380910744 | master | Added t/30-basics.t | push | nigelhorne | github |
94.95 |
11901772419 | master | Added more data tests | push | nigelhorne | github |
96.88 |
11901578212 | master | Use more Test::DescribeMe | push | nigelhorne | github |
92.71 |
11901367689 | master | Better handling of cloning objects when args not given | push | nigelhorne | github |
92.71 |
11893329231 | master | Merge pull request #9 from nigelhorne/dependabot/github_actions/codecov/codecov-action-5 Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 | push | web-flow | github |
92.78 |
11817292087 | master | Backtrack setting call_details | push | nigelhorne | github |
92.78 |
11584767256 | master | Refactor append() | push | nigelhorne | github |
92.63 |
11559571140 | master | Refactor _get_params | push | nigelhorne | github |
93.14 |
11148602602 | master | Latest MACOS on Github Actions | push | nigelhorne | github |
89.62 |