Repo Added
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3633 of 4401 branches covered (82.55%)
4 of 4 new or added lines in 1 file covered. (100.0%)
9569 of 10933 relevant lines covered (87.52%)
0.88 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line | Branch Hits | Branch Misses |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
2607 | shared-ambiguity | Merge ad8c4d066 into 8ac3920af | Pull #3146 | web-flow | github |
87.52 |
2606 | shared-ambiguity | Merge b28588ecf into 8ac3920af | Pull #3146 | web-flow | github |
87.52 |
2605 | shared-ambiguity | Merge 4a9d42ca4 into 8ac3920af | Pull #3146 | web-flow | github |
87.53 |
2604 | shared-ambiguity | Merge 60c1f5fea into 8ac3920af | Pull #3146 | web-flow | github |
87.52 |
#3594 | shared-ambiguity | Merge 4a9d42ca4 into b5236ec7d | Pull #3146 | web-flow | github |
87.17 |
#3591 | shared-ambiguity | Merge b16b4d1fd into 7ae38a258 | Pull #3146 | web-flow | github |
87.13 |
#3590 | shared-ambiguity | Merge da0f8c9e3 into 7ae38a258 | Pull #3146 | web-flow | github |
87.17 |