Repo Added
Embed ▾
3522 of 4269 branches covered (82.5%)
9378 of 10735 relevant lines covered (87.36%)
0.87 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line | Branch Hits | Branch Misses |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
2568 | next | Merge e10b79c99 into 6e80e3da1 | Pull #3371 | web-flow | github |
87.36 |
2566 | next | Merge 0947d131b into d70d2c2ba | Pull #3370 | web-flow | github |
87.36 |
2565 | next | Merge e0a54375e into d70d2c2ba | Pull #3370 | web-flow | github |
87.36 |
2564 | next | Merge 236c860f3 into d70d2c2ba | Pull #3370 | web-flow | github |
87.34 |
2557 | next | Merge 4ca0266a1 into af93a2b35 | Pull #3369 | web-flow | github |
87.33 |
2554 | next | [maven-release-plugin] prepare release mybatis-3.5.18 | push | hazendaz | github |
87.32 |
2556 | next | [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration | push | hazendaz | github |
87.33 |
2519 | next | Merge 2d9ea254b into 1d936a4a2 | Pull #3354 | web-flow | github |
87.3 |
2517 | next | Merge f06d4ce6d into c5ec7a127 | Pull #3353 | web-flow | github |
87.3 |
2515 | next | Merge fee0d5426 into 814d75511 | Pull #3352 | web-flow | github |
87.31 |