Repo Added
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4766 of 5973 branches covered (79.79%)
5470 of 6614 relevant lines covered (82.7%)
16424.5 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line | Branch Hits | Branch Misses |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
12529277203 | master | add link to Terminal Template to README | push | jcubic | github |
82.7 |
12299121121 | master | add Code Climate GitHub action | push | jcubic | github |
82.7 |
12286571420 | master | update README template | push | jcubic | github |
82.7 |
12268512529 | master | fix typo in README | push | jcubic | github |
82.7 |
12267881302 | master | add ANSI art credits | push | jcubic | github |
82.7 |
11534530772 | master | version 2.44.1 | push | jcubic | github |
82.7 |
11534509524 | master | add `id` option #978 This feature allow to create same terminal with hot reload | push | jcubic | github |
82.68 |
11243256743 | master | version 2.44.1 | push | jcubic | github |
82.7 |
11236377677 | master | version 2.44.0 | push | jcubic | github |
82.69 |
10983837939 | master | Update bug issue template | push | web-flow | github |
82.84 |