Repo Added
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4832 of 6020 branches covered (80.27%)
1 of 1 new or added line in 1 file covered. (100.0%)
5570 of 6697 relevant lines covered (83.17%)
16375.5 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line | Branch Hits | Branch Misses |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
12857713552 | devel | fix returning Terminal instance from interpreter #994 | push | jcubic | github |
83.17 |
12778214002 | devel | fix typo | push | jcubic | github |
82.99 |
12778099566 | devel | fix order of async echo when import view #1004 | push | jcubic | github |
82.98 |
12776865413 | devel | change method name #1000 | push | jcubic | github |
82.95 |
12621402370 | devel | fix deepscan issues #842 | push | jcubic | github |
82.95 |
12621287501 | devel | fix deepscan issues #842 | push | jcubic | github |
82.95 |
12620655827 | devel | fix deep scan found issue in unit test code | push | jcubic | github |
82.94 |
12620493976 | devel | mark update contributors before release | push | jcubic | github |
82.94 |
12620486187 | devel | Merge pull request #1002 from rikkarth/fix/css-typo fix typo in css/jquery.terminal.css causing minification warning | push | web-flow | github |
82.94 |
12401970143 | devel | add missing trim function to figlet extention | push | jcubic | github |
82.94 |