Repo Added
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283 of 288 branches covered (98.26%)
Branch coverage included in aggregate %.
348 of 407 new or added lines in 4 files covered. (85.5%)
1181 of 1266 relevant lines covered (93.29%)
94.05 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line | Branch Hits | Branch Misses |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
8838039113 | update-deps | Merge cbed2b556 into a51a3b72c | Pull #5 | web-flow | github |
94.21 |
455151450 | master | 1.0.2 | push | Joe Hildebrand | github | pending completion | |
455146385 | master | lint | push | Joe Hildebrand | github | pending completion | |
450422584 | master | Add runkit example | push | Joe Hildebrand | github | pending completion | |
450389469 | master | 1.0.1 | push | Joe Hildebrand | github | pending completion | |
450377985 | master | 1.0.0 | push | Joe Hildebrand | github | pending completion | |
450368475 | master | Add readme, internal docs | push | Joe Hildebrand | github | pending completion | |
450301004 | master | Update keywords, add engine, tweak workflow | push | Joe Hildebrand | github | pending completion |