Repo Added
436 of 460 relevant lines covered (94.78%)
18.94 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line |
94.04 | vdf/ | 521 | 302 + 1 | 284 - 14 | 18 + 15 | 19.0 - 1.0 | |
96.2 | vdf/ | 221 | 158 | 152 - 6 | 6 + 6 | 20.0 |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
7222310360 | py312 | Merge cb6f730e2 into d76292623 | Pull #56 | github |
94.78 |
1998013093 | master | Add py3.10 for testing (#47) | push | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
1995653839 | add-py3.10 | Merge 77fe433ec into 8104cb27c | Pull #47 | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
866299276 | master | bump to v3.4 | push | Rossen Georgiev | github | pending completion | |
866265347 | master | covert str to mapper for duplicates; #39 | push | Rossen Georgiev | github | pending completion | |
593691531 | master | tests: Try to use unittest.mock from the Python standard library | push | Rossen | github | pending completion | |
593585291 | unittest-mock | Merge 952b0c6f9 into 8cbeff57f | Pull #34 | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
593562469 | master | tests: Avoid problematic use of "is" operator | push | Rossen | github | pending completion | |
593492488 | is-not | Merge 6089c97d7 into 146cfdbc6 | Pull #35 | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
593491409 | unittest-mock | Merge ef7698124 into 146cfdbc6 | Pull #34 | GitHub | github | pending completion |