Run time
3946 of 5942 branches covered (66.41%)
7286 of 8163 relevant lines covered (89.26%)
87074.6 hits per line
Lines | Coverage | ∆ | File |
1 |
95.0 |
0.0% | net/mptcp/mib.c |
2 |
98.39 |
-0.23% | net/mptcp/options.c |
3 |
96.9 |
0.01% | net/mptcp/protocol.h |
10 |
85.88 |
13.47% | net/mptcp/sched.c |
74 |
76.26 |
-0.25% | net/mptcp/pm_userspace.c |
91 |
91.0 |
-0.01% | net/mptcp/subflow.c |
107 |
90.36 |
0.01% | net/mptcp/pm_netlink.c |
171 |
91.4 |
-0.3% | net/mptcp/protocol.c |
ID | Job ID | Ran | Files | Coverage | |
1 | normal - 11889047610.1 | 21 |
88.98 |
GitHub Action Run | |
2 | debug - 11889047610.2 | 21 |
89.04 |
GitHub Action Run | |
3 | btf-normal - 11889047610.3 | 18 |
41.09 |
GitHub Action Run | |
4 | btf-debug - 11889047610.4 | 18 |
41.69 |
GitHub Action Run |
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line | Branch Hits | Branch Misses |
73.68 | net/mptcp/mptcp_diag.c | 243 | 133 | 98 | 35 | 14310.0 + 6796 | 46 | 24 | |
74.15 | net/mptcp/sockopt.c | 1595 | 762 | 565 | 197 | 839.0 + 2 | 227 | 194 | |
75.38 | net/mptcp/diag.c | 110 | 65 | 49 | 16 | 163.0 | 28 | 36 | |
76.26 | net/mptcp/pm_userspace.c | 759 + 16 | 476 + 12 | 363 + 8 | 113 + 4 | 78.0 - 1.0 | 134 + 1 | 175 + 5 | |
85.88 | net/mptcp/sched.c | 192 - 2 | 85 - 2 | 73 + 10 | 12 - 12 | 96148.0 - 41058 | 47 + 5 | 21 - 5 | |
86.88 | net/mptcp/ctrl.c | 453 | 160 | 139 + 25 | 21 - 25 | 1017.0 - 193 | 36 + 3 | 24 - 3 | |
89.53 | net/mptcp/token.c | 414 | 172 | 154 | 18 | 350818.0 + 174942 | 60 - 2 | 46 + 2 | |
90.36 | net/mptcp/pm_netlink.c | 2469 + 3 | 1318 + 1 | 1191 + 1 | 127 | 743.0 - 15 | 629 + 3 | 357 - 1 | |
91.0 | net/mptcp/subflow.c | 2194 + 13 | 1122 + 10 | 1021 + 9 | 101 + 1 | 62043.0 - 1712 | 544 + 13 | 280 + 25 | |
91.4 | net/mptcp/protocol.c | 4224 + 26 | 2222 + 17 | 2031 + 9 | 191 + 8 | 115092.0 - 20431 | 1112 + 2 | 488 + 8 |