Run time
Prevent down-recursion for side traces. Thanks to Sergey Kaplun. (cherry picked from commit cae361187) Assume we have the root trace that uses some spill slots with the corresponding stack adjustment. Then its side trace will restore the stack only at its tail. It may look like the following: | ---- TRACE 4 mcode 1247 | 55557f7df953 mov rax, [r14-0xe28] | 55557f7df95a mov rax, [rax+0x30] | 55557f7df95e sub rax, rdx | 55557f7df961 cmp rax, +0x68 | 55557f7df965 jb 0x55557f7d004c ->0 | 55557f7df96b add rsp, -0x10 | ... | 55557f6efa71 cmp dword [rdx+0x4], -0x05 | 55557f6efa75 jnz 0x55557f6e004c ->0 | ... | 55557f7dfe29 add rsp, +0x10 | 55557f7dfe2d jmp 0x5555556fe573 | ---- TRACE 4 stop -> stitch | | ---- TRACE 5 start 4/0 | ---- TRACE 5 mcode 101 | 55557f6ef9d4 mov dword [0x40000518], 0x5 | ... | 55557f6efa30 add rsp, +0x10 | 55557f6efa34 jmp 0x55557f6ef9d4 | ---- TRACE 5 stop -> down-recursion Such side traces have no stack adjustment at their heads since their stack adjustment is inherited from the parent trace. The issue occurs if the side trace has a down-recursion, as mentioned above. Before any exit, we can jump back to the start of the trace several times with growing `rsp`. In that case, the `rsp` is restored incorrectly after exiting from the trace. This patch forbids down-recursion for non-root traces. Sergey Kaplun: * added the description and the test for the problem Part of tarantool/tarantool#9595 Reviewed-by: Maxim Kokryashkin <m.kokryashkin@tarantool.org> Reviewed-by: Sergey Bronnikov <sergeyb@tarantool.org> Signed-off-by: Sergey Kaplun <skaplun@tarantool.org>
5661 of 6018 branches covered (94.07%)
Branch coverage included in aggregate %.
1 of 1 new or added line in 1 file covered. (100.0%)
17 existing lines in 4 files now uncovered.21617 of 23416 relevant lines covered (92.32%)
2920775.1 hits per line
Lines | Coverage | ∆ | File |
2 |
97.59 |
-0.19% | src/lj_trace.c |
3 |
96.7 |
0.0% | src/lj_asm.c |
5 |
85.71 |
-2.16% | src/lj_sysprof.c |
7 |
96.15 |
-0.42% | src/lj_record.c |
ID | Job ID | Ran | Files | Coverage | |
1 | 8550711812.1 | 89 |
92.68 |
GitHub Action Run |
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line | Branch Hits | Branch Misses |