Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
8 | master | added the document object to compile query result | push | furqanZafar | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
7 | 0.0.2 | v0.0.2 : fixed compile-latest-query method (added unit test for it) | push | furqanZafar | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
6 | master | v0.0.2 : fixed compile-latest-query method (added unit test for it) | push | furqanZafar | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
5 | 0.0.1 | updated travis badge url | push | furqanZafar | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
4 | master | updated travis badge url | push | furqanZafar | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
3 | master | added coveralls to dev-deps, fixed travis config file | push | furqanZafar | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
#1 | master | added gulp-uglify to dev-deps | push | furqanZafar | travis-ci | pending completion set done |