Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
#9 | loopback-3.x | refactor: implement eslint, clean up code, and update to ES6 | Pull #1 | mrfelton | circleci | pending completion set done | |
#8 | master | Add support for mixinsources | push | mrfelton | circleci | pending completion set done | |
#7 | master | Add support for mixinsources | push | mrfelton | circleci | pending completion set done | |
#6 | master | 1.0.4 | push | mrfelton | circleci | pending completion set done | |
#5 | master | Pass iterator status details to the process callback | push | mrfelton | circleci | pending completion set done | |
#4 | master | Exit on forEachAsync | push | mrfelton | circleci | pending completion set done | |
#3 | master | 1.0.2 | push | mrfelton | circleci | pending completion set done | |
#2 | master | Add missing dev dependency coveralls | push | mrfelton | circleci | pending completion set done | |
#1 | forEachAsync | Make IteratorCls a standalone class | push | Tom Kirkpatrick | pending completion set done |