Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
6328966967 | refs/tags/v1.2.1 | chore(release): bumped version to v1.2.1 | push | whatwewant | github |
58.21 |
6328967321 | master | chore(release): bumped version to v1.2.1 | push | whatwewant | github |
58.21 |
4203566109 | master | chore(release): bumped version to v1.2.0 | push | whatwerwant | github |
58.21 |
4203565882 | refs/tags/v1.2.0 | chore(release): bumped version to v1.2.0 | push | whatwerwant | github |
58.21 |
2438529705 | master | chore(release): bumped version to v1.0.0 | push | whwewant | github |
60.0 |