Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
9 | master | Updated travis builds to 1.4.1 | push | oxtoacart | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
8 | master | Merge branch 'devel' into tcpproxying | push | oxtoacart | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
7 | master | Merge pull request #1 from getlantern/govet Go vet cleanup closes getlantern/lantern#2050 | push | myleshorton | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
6 | master | Go vet cleanup | Pull #1 | oxtoacart | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
5 | govet | Go vet cleanup | push | oxtoacart | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
4 | master | Using UnixNano instead of Nanosecond | push | oxtoacart | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
3 | master | Closes getlantern/lantern#1959 | push | oxtoacart | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
2 | master | Travis fix | push | oxtoacart | travis-ci | pending completion set done |