Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
915498231 | refs/tags/v0.1.7 | reviewed all codes and beatify its for coding qualities | push | Hedzr Yeh | github | pending completion set done | |
915471610 | master | reviewed all codes and beatify its for coding qualities | push | Hedzr Yeh | github | pending completion set done | |
915234594 | refs/tags/v0.1.3 | added enabled field | push | Hedzr Yeh | github |
74.87 |
915218708 | master | added enabled field | push | Hedzr Yeh | github |
74.87 |
911703930 | master | update | push | Hedzr Yeh | github |
76.92 |
911702501 | refs/tags/v0.1.1 | update | push | Hedzr Yeh | github |
76.92 |
911701196 | master | update | push | Hedzr Yeh | github |
76.92 |
911688646 | master | more godocs and gotests | push | Hedzr Yeh | github |
76.92 |