Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
732814246 | feature/SCALRCORE-18527 | SCALRCORE-18527 > Change type | push | Artem Vang | github |
64.86 |
722228001 | feature/SCALRCORE-18527 | SCALRCORE-18527 > Add TriggerPrefixes attribute to VCSRepo | push | Artem Vang | github |
64.86 |
722134700 | feature/SCALRCORE-18527 | SCALRCORE-18527 > Add TriggerPrefixes attribute to VCSRepoOptions | push | Artem Vang | github |
64.86 |
668188251 | develop | Merge pull request #22 from Scalr/feature/SCALRCORE-15824 | push | GitHub | github |
64.86 |
667943501 | feature/SCALRCORE-15824 | SCALRCORE-15824 variable_test have been fixed | push | Ihor Borysyuk | github |
64.86 |
568966094 | develop | Merge pull request #20 from Scalr/feature/SCALRCORE-15690 | push | GitHub | github |
63.46 |
557911967 | develop | Merge pull request #21 from Scalr/coveralls | push | GitHub | github |
64.23 |
554271527 | coveralls | Add coveralls | push | Lee Archer | github |
64.23 |