Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
9 | master | README: Add a motivation section | push | sascha-wolf | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
7 | master | Mix: Remove the duplicate `version` key | push | sascha-wolf | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
6 | master | Deps: Remove the version flag for ex_doc Since we only support elixir 1.7.4 and greater there is no need to differentiate the elixir version | push | sascha-wolf | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
5 | master | Mix: Update hex package description | push | sascha-wolf | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
4 | master | LICENSE: Add the MIT license | push | sascha-wolf | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
3 | master | Travis: Remove 1.6 - 1.7 | push | sascha-wolf | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
2 | master | README: Fix code highlighting and link to docs | push | sascha-wolf | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
1 | master | CI - Travis: Add .travis.yml | push | sascha-wolf | travis-ci | pending completion set done |