Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
16 | master | docs(README): add distributed header | push | tomchentw | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
15 | master | feat(gulpfile): adjust for gulp 3.5.0 from tomchentw-boilerplate * make coveralls upload presence in TRAVIS only * change watch task to use new APIs BREAKING CHANGE watch task has changed to use new APIs from gulp 3.5.0 (but do same things) | push | tomchentw | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
14 | master | docs(README): add bower badge | push | tomchentw | travis-ci | pending completion set done | |
13 | master | chore(coveralls): add coveralls hook and badge | push | tomchentw | travis-ci | pending completion set done |