Repo Added
1 of 1 new or added line in 1 file covered. (100.0%)
243 of 243 relevant lines covered (100.0%)
7.0 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line |
100.0 | | 558 | 243 - 1 | 243 - 1 | 0 | 7.0 |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
13734342212 | master | Drop Python 3.7, GHA no longer supports it | push | github |
100.0 |
13601452121 | master | Drop Python 3.7, GHA no longer supports it | push | github |
100.0 |
13469908463 | master | Drop Python 3.7, GHA no longer supports it | push | github |
100.0 |
13342066023 | master | Drop Python 3.7, GHA no longer supports it | push | github |
100.0 |
13212626583 | master | Drop Python 3.7, GHA no longer supports it | push | github |
100.0 |
13085507763 | master | Drop Python 3.7, GHA no longer supports it | push | github |
100.0 |
12962116683 | master | Drop Python 3.7, GHA no longer supports it | push | github |
100.0 |
12867652701 | master | Drop Python 3.7, GHA no longer supports it | push | github |
100.0 |
12721488581 | master | GitHub Actions badge URLs changed | push | github |
100.0 |
12690787822 | master | GitHub Actions badge URLs changed | push | github |
100.0 |