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Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line | Branch Hits | Branch Misses |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
16 | master | 2.0.0 | push | shinnn | travis-ci | pending completion | |
15 | master | switch from CC0-1.0 to ISC license | push | shinnn | travis-ci | pending completion | |
14 | master | 2.0.0-0 | push | shinnn | travis-ci | pending completion | |
13 | master | use Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() and Object.entries() to simplify the code [BREAKING] drop support for Node.js < 8 | push | shinnn | travis-ci | pending completion | |
12 | master | 1.0.1 | push | shinnn | travis-ci | pending completion | |
11 | master | validate argument length | push | shinnn | travis-ci | pending completion | |
10 | master | make test pass on both local and CI | push | shinnn | travis-ci | pending completion | |
8 | master | adapt test for npm >= 5 new caching algorithm | push | shinnn | travis-ci | pending completion | |
6 | master | 1.0.0 | push | shinnn | travis-ci | pending completion | |
5 | master | use destructuring assignment and Array#includes [BREAKING] drop support for Node.js < 6 | push | shinnn | travis-ci | pending completion |