Repo Added
3448 of 3698 branches covered (93.24%)
7504 of 7826 relevant lines covered (95.89%)
4.79 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line | Branch Hits | Branch Misses |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
13445669346 | patch-2 | Merge dda879518 into 00cb6d15c | Pull #4583 | github |
95.89 |
12943674411 | patch-2 | Merge f8f4e8c42 into 1455ae473 | Pull #4559 | github |
96.02 |
12892792303 | patch-2 | Merge 421743084 into 584d0331c | Pull #4555 | github |
96.02 |
6865766478 | patch-2 | Merge e777c496c into 58f31a70e | Pull #4047 | github |
96.38 |
3169078530 | patch-2 | Merge e7852366f into 141291a1d | Pull #3293 | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
3146122816 | patch-2 | Merge 7038f18a5 into 6b42c2b8c | Pull #3293 | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
3140491472 | patch-2 | Merge fc59d22c0 into 6b42c2b8c | Pull #3293 | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
2785186020 | patch-2 | Merge fde13ac8b into f066e3fca | Pull #3205 | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
1580733590 | patch-2 | Merge 533410c93 into 72fbacd99 | Pull #2694 | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
2590 | patch-2 | Merge a87cd4a32 into 580b4fe8b | Pull #2064 | travis-ci | pending completion |