Repo Added
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Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
631 | schemas | Merge 45c6058e1 into 38bddb040 | Pull #256 | web-flow | travis-ci-com |
95.2 |
630 | schemas | Update schemas and format the JS example | push | dunglas | travis-ci-com |
95.2 |
629 | schemas | Update schemas and format the JS example | push | dunglas | travis-ci-com |
95.2 |
86 | schemas | Add schemas | push | dunglas | travis-ci-com | pending completion | |
87 | schemas | Add schemas | Pull #21 | web-flow | travis-ci-com | pending completion | |
85 | schemas | Add schemas | Pull #21 | web-flow | travis-ci-com | pending completion | |
84 | schemas | Add schemas | push | dunglas | travis-ci-com | pending completion | |
83 | schemas | Add schemas | push | dunglas | travis-ci-com | pending completion |