Repo Added
1 of 1 new or added line in 1 file covered. (100.0%)
22852 of 24463 relevant lines covered (93.41%)
0.93 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
1937445364 | github-publish | Merge becb44c29 into 5066a5c07 | Pull #615 | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
1937445280 | github-publish | Reset version | push | Dag Brattli | github | pending completion | |
1937440555 | github-publish | Merge 7c9b39ade into 5066a5c07 | Pull #615 | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
1937440502 | github-publish | Update readme | push | Dag Brattli | github | pending completion | |
1937432895 | github-publish | Merge 59fc2ce7a into 5066a5c07 | Pull #615 | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
1937432817 | github-publish | Update pypi link and badge | push | Dag Brattli | github | pending completion | |
1937421575 | github-publish | Merge 48f1ece2a into 5066a5c07 | Pull #615 | GitHub | github | pending completion | |
1937420355 | github-publish | Add publish action and dynamic versioning | push | Dag Brattli | github | pending completion |