Repo Added
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1 of 1 new or added line in 1 file covered. (100.0%)
175 of 178 relevant lines covered (98.31%)
14.66 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
23 | chore/upgrade_rails_5 | Removes passive_login method check | Pull #1 | web-flow | travis-ci | pending completion | |
22 | chore/upgrade_rails_5 | Removes passive_login method check | push | etgrieco | travis-ci | pending completion | |
21 | chore/upgrade_rails_5 | Minor version change (1.1.0) | Pull #1 | web-flow | travis-ci | pending completion | |
20 | chore/upgrade_rails_5 | Minor version change (1.1.0) | push | etgrieco | travis-ci | pending completion | |
19 | chore/upgrade_rails_5 | Removes master branch tests | Pull #1 | web-flow | travis-ci | pending completion | |
18 | chore/upgrade_rails_5 | Removes master branch tests | push | etgrieco | travis-ci | pending completion | |
17 | chore/upgrade_rails_5 | Rails dependency, updates for 5 compatibility | Pull #1 | web-flow | travis-ci | pending completion | |
16 | chore/upgrade_rails_5 | Rails dependency, updates for 5 compatibility | push | etgrieco | travis-ci | pending completion |