Repo Added
1356 of 1686 relevant lines covered (80.43%)
34.68 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
4395488591 | config | Case of a nullable belong_to | push | Olivier Laviale | github | pending completion | |
4395410876 | config | Remove 'foreign_key' from 'belongs_to' | push | Olivier Laviale | github | pending completion | |
4370523593 | config | Fix: count() is not sending args | push | Olivier Laviale | github | pending completion | |
4370167340 | config | Improve key resolution | push | Olivier Laviale | github | pending completion | |
4370042905 | config | Rename ConnectionAttributes as ConnectionDefinition | push | Olivier Laviale | github | pending completion | |
4369218877 | config | Replace attribute arrays by objects | push | Olivier Laviale | github | pending completion | |
4364547176 | config | Replace attribute arrays by objects | push | Olivier Laviale | github | pending completion | |
4348738152 | config | For extends, move primary key resolution to builder | push | Olivier Laviale | github | pending completion | |
4348664530 | config | For extends, move primary key resolution to builder | push | Olivier Laviale | github | pending completion |