Repo Added
12973 of 15203 branches covered (85.33%)
26 of 34 new or added lines in 2 files covered. (76.47%)
8 existing lines in 4 files now uncovered.26350 of 28760 relevant lines covered (91.62%)
34368.07 hits per line
Coverage | ∆ | File | Lines | Relevant | Covered | Missed | Hits/Line | Branch Hits | Branch Misses |
Builds | Branch | Commit | Type | Ran | Committer | Via | Coverage |
12928603259 | mkirova/feat-14912 | Merge d55129a24 into 09ee61c3e | Pull #15201 | github |
91.62 |
12889997228 | mkirova/feat-14912 | Merge db1226868 into 32a5e7724 | Pull #15201 | github |
91.62 |
12888314918 | mkirova/feat-14912 | Merge 3a870e883 into 32a5e7724 | Pull #15201 | github |
91.62 |
12882872551 | mkirova/feat-14912 | Merge 8735fbaaa into 40c6dfefe | Pull #15201 | github |
91.62 |
12747766594 | mkirova/feat-14912 | Merge d86c95fff into d119b19f0 | Pull #15201 | github |
91.58 |
12648473727 | mkirova/feat-14912 | Merge 603a2b0a6 into ab58c9e9d | Pull #15201 | github |
91.58 |
12636582828 | mkirova/feat-14912 | Merge e2ca4996b into ab58c9e9d | Pull #15201 | github |
91.58 |
12635297612 | mkirova/feat-14912 | Merge defe834c6 into ab58c9e9d | Pull #15201 | github |
91.6 |
12632231582 | mkirova/feat-14912 | Merge 8932527bb into 5ee60f7c3 | Pull #15201 | github |
91.6 |